Many AUP claims outline effects of violating the policy.

Like a statement may format the benefit of e-mail systems, capability to gain information from internet sites, connection with additional people through the use of quick messaging, and additional similar benefits of different protocols like the relatively new VoIP solutions. This may suggest that the organization is not going to provide any warning program should the user contravene policy, sustaining that it is definitely upward to the user to understand when his/her actions are in violation of policy.Usually Acceptable Make use of Policy documents provide a declaration about the use of the network and/or Web and its uses and benefits to the business, college or other organization sponsoring connection to the Web. For example, the sponsoring corporation adopts a beliefs of self-regulation and provides the consumer connection to the nearby network and also connection to the Internet providing that the consumer allows the fact she/he will be going to be personally accountable for activities used when connected to the network or Internet.

In general, AUP statements/documents usually start with a statement of the viewpoint of the sponsoring company and intended reason as to why Web use is usually provided to the customers of that company's network.